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Bootstrap v4.0 的進度【241/366】
裡面提到 alpha1~3的時間
我也補上 alpha4~6的時間
閱讀全文 Bootstrap 4 Alpha 6 釋出了
標籤: Bootstrap 4
Bootstrap v4.0 的進度【241/366】
- 2015.08.19 – Bootstrap 4 alpha 1
- 2015.12.08 – Bootstrap 4 alpha 2
- 2016.07.27 – Bootstrap 4 Alpha 3
The general development and release plan looks something like this:
- A few alpha releases while things are still in flux.
- Two beta releases after features and functionality are locked down to really test things out.
- Two release candidates (RCs) to really test things out closer to production environments.
- Then, the final release!